Serve-A-Thon 3/1
Serve-A-Thon 3/1

In preparation for serving in Mexico in June, high schoolers are looking to serve you by doing yard work, housework, & chores.

To request help, sign up HERE.



Download Church Center

Download the Church Center app to stay updated about events, sign-ups, giving and small groups. 

Be sure to update your profile the first time you login. We transferred information from our last database, and want to be sure all of your contact information is correct. Also, create your household if it hasn’t already been done, add your birthdate, anniversary date, and a current photo.

Join the Audio/Visual Team
Join the Audio/Visual Team

Hey all you techies! We are looking for individuals who are interested in helping with audio and/or video duties on Sunday mornings.  Contact Paul at to get started.

Looking for a Small Group?

We have 25 groups active in our church right now, with 4 more we just added. Dane and Carina Schilling will each be leading a “change group” that will give you the tools make God-honoring changes in your life. Josh Lane is leading a group of men through a 5-week study of the patriarchs from Genesis.

If you aren’t in a small group already, get more information on our Small Groups page and pray about getting involved in 2025.

Senior Moments Lunch 2/12 at Noon in Fellowship Hall
Senior Moments Lunch 2/12 at Noon in Fellowship Hall

Join the Senior Moments for lunch and fellowship on 2/12 in the Fellowship Hall. RSVP to Kristen at 530-401-7289 and bring a friend!

Mexico Missions Trip with SGF High School Ministry

February 16th is the deadline to sign up for our 2025 Mexico Missions trip.

You do not want to miss this life changing opportunity to serve God and others in Mexico!

Click the button below to sign up.

Jr High Camp In 2/21-2/23

All Jr. High students are invited to our Winter Camp – In!

Join us for a weekend of food, fun, games, worship, and a few surprises along the way.

It will be a super fun weekend and students are encouraged to bring their friends!

Cost: $150 for the entire weekend (surprises included!)

New Women's Bible Study Begins 2/23
New Women's Bible Study Begins 2/23

Join SGF women in a 7 week study of Luke by Kristi McLelland on Sunday mornings at 9am beginning 2/23. We’ll meet in the large upstairs classroom in the children’s area. RSVP by text to Debbie Greenacre at 530-320-4173. This is a great opportunity to study with and get to know other women, especially if you are newer to our church.

Guatemala Missions Trip 6/20 to 7/2
Guatemala Missions Trip 6/20 to 7/2

Interested in learning more about joining or supporting the Guatemala trip? Contact Jan Keller 530-305-8756 or Lysa Wilson 503-581-8702 for details.

Save the Date for Family Camp July 5-8
Save the Date for Family Camp July 5-8

Mark your calendars! Family Camp has been reserved and we hope you can join the fun this year. More details and the registration link will be coming soon.

Save the Date for the Women's Retreat 2025
Save the Date for the Women's Retreat 2025

Ladies, mark your calendars to save the date for this year’s Women’s Retreat. It will be at the Del Oro Camp & Conference Center in Nevada City. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with other ladies as we deepen our walk with Jesus and each other. Registration link and details coming soon.

SGF en Español Available Now

We are excited to announce that live translations of the worship services will be available in multiple languages including Spanish beginning Christmas Eve. The program will also transcribe in English, which will give our deaf and hard of hearing community a way to participate.

This is a great opportunity to tell others about how they can be connected in their native language while attending here at Sierra Grace.

There is a poster in the lobby with a QR code and instructions to access the translation.

Below is the link that is only live during our worship services.



Confidential Care
Confidential Care

Stephen Ministers have been trained to listen and seek God’s healing with you. One on one – Confidential. For more information call (530) 324-2334.

SGF Leadership Pipeline

At Sierra Grace, our mission is to become more like Jesus together, and we believe part of that means raising up new leaders in our church, so we’ve created a process for you to explore and experience different types of church leadership.  We’re calling it the Leadership Pipeline. Register below to learn more.