Jr. High Ministry

Tuesdays 6:00 - 8:00 PM @ Sierra Grace Fellowship

Our mission here is simple: we want our middle school students to learn to live, love, and serve like Jesus.

How to Stay Updated

We send text messages through the Remind app about upcoming events and gatherings. To be added to this group, text "@newtimes" to the number 81010

We also send out monthly newsletters to parents! Our monthly newsletter will include upcoming events, information about our gatherings, and any other cool stuff to stay in the loop. Subscribe below to receive the next one!


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Contact Us

Whether you have questions or prayer requests, want to get in touch or just say hello - we'd love to hear from you!

Send an email to heidi@sierragrace.org or thomas@sierragrace.org to get in touch!

Thomas Motto

Jr. High Director

Heidi Motto

Jr. High Director